New members are welcome.
Folks over 18 years of age are eligible to join
Six Easy Steps to Join
3. Welcome Email
Once we have received your Membership Form and your fees, you will receive an email
welcoming you to the shed and giving you information on steps 4 and 5.
5. Complete Safety Video Training
Before you can start to use equipment in the shed, you are required to complete
short on-line training modules. Details will be sent to your after welcome email.
2. Pay Membership Fee
Fees $40 (annual) + initial joining fee of $20 can be paid by bank transfer (account details on the Membership Form).
We also accept cash payment at the Shed.
(Note: A $2 daily attendance fee applies)
4. Arrange for an Induction Session
Before you can start at the Men's Shed, you will need to complete an induction. Inductions take about 1 hr and are held fortnightly. Details for arranging an induction will be included in the welcome email
6. Complete on Job Assessment
Finally you will be trained and assessed on each piece of equipment you wish to use. This will ensure you reach the required competency to operate the equipment safely.

NDIS clients - special arrangements
Membership attendances are currently provided on Friday mornings for NDIS clients and
their carers to attend the shed. Unfortunately, all available NDIS memberships are currently
filled, and your application may have to be wait listed.
Once a space becomes available, the first person on the waiting list is invited to attend the
shed with their carer for an assessment to determine if the shed can meet the clients’
expectations and to ensure that carer responsibilities are understood. If both parties agree
to proceed, both client and the carer join the shed, complete induction, and are
then welcome to attend on Friday mornings. Please note, clients attending the shed must
be accompanied by a carer who is required to have shed membership and to work with their
client during the session.
Enquiries regarding NDIS client membership can be emailed to membership@ppmsa.org.au