Huge locker room project completed successfully for Port Melbourne Uniting Church Kindergarten under the direction of Justin Gates
Community Projects
Over the years we have completed a large number of projects for our local community.
Our members take great pride in the work we do and being able to give back to community.
There is always a wonderful sense of satisfaction when handing over a completed project. ​
All members are welcome to contribute to such projects. Supervisors and project leaders
can assign appropriate tasks based on skill levels​​
Here is a small sample of our projects since 2012.

Toys for local Toy Library
Michael Zeeng (L) with the President Nick of the Toy Library delivering a purpose built hanging system. The Shed has done a lot of work over the years building shelves, building and repairing toys.
Tool Carrier for Sea Scouts
We are very proud to support the local youth groups in their various pursuits. Here are Rod Hall (L) and Don Laird with one of the many Tool Carriers built at the Shed for the Sea Scouts

Tables for Parks Victoria
Chris Sargood (R) with the Wilson's Promontory light house keepers on presentation of tables made at the Shed from recycled wood taken from the lighthouse. The tables are now to be found in the lighthouse keeper's cottage.
Christmas Trees
At the shed we spend the greater part of the year building these trees from recycled wood and in various sizes. Here you see Tony Donahue inspecting the finished products before they are taken to the South Melbourne
Market stall just before Christmas. Its a good project for members to fill in time gaps and acquire new skills.

Display cases -
Rats of Tobruk
This project was to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the siege by the much vaunted Rats of Tobruk. Two teams worked in tandem under the leadership of Chris Sargood. Carcass Team: Peter King and Dermot Avon. Lid Team: Steve Shoup and Daniel Butler. Design by Chris Sargood and Rod Hall. Well done on completing just in time during the COVID lockdowns.
Rain Garden -
St Kilda Primary
This rain garden (captures rain to self water plants) has been built under the direction of one of our founding members Bob Small. It is on its way to St Kilda Primary School

Marimba -
Port Phillip Special School
Roger Joyce (far right) has been amazing and rock solid supervising the building of several Marimbas for local schools. Here he is with Rod Hall (far left) presenting a finished Marimba to three of the students at the school. The students love it!
Play Kitchen-
Clarendon St Child Care
This kitchen in the making with almost all recycled materials. From L. Daniel Butler, Michael Zeeng and David Radtke.

Picture Framing Workshop
From time to time we hold workshop where members and the public are invited to participate. On the left you see Roger Joyce with his finished frame and below are participants diligently working on their picture frames. We have also held workshops on jewellery making and lead lights.

Bee Keeping
The idea of beekeeping crystallised when one of members serendipitously came across a hive of bees from his neighbour that had to be relocated.
The original intention was to locate the hives on rooftops of government buildings within our catchment area. This will provide sustainable gardening practices and improve the biodiversity of the bee population within the community.
The honey bee population has suffered greatly in recent years. This beekeeping project in turn will help to improve our food security and strengthen community ties with the environment and local food production.
Many crops and flowers benefit from bee pollination resulting in increased yield and better quality produce.
We began with a Beekeeping Starter Kit (which included a hive and tools) and located it on the rooftop of a government building. The hive thrived and an extension kit was purchased. Since then the hive has been relocated too the native plant nursery in Port Melbourne and doing exceptionally well.
The photos show the Beehive, frame full of bees, inspection of frame to ensure bees are healthy and beeswax which was rendered from the hive and will be used for tool preservation.
We thank again Port Phillip Rotary for their generous support. https://portphilliprotary.org.au/